New Apple Shinjuku Store in Tokyo

Today, Apple Store Shinjuku is opened.
High five parade
It was 9:45 when I arrived at the storefront. It was 15 minutes before opening time, but I was just on time for the start of the staff’s high five parade.
From within the store, people wearing Apple staff t-shirts came trailing out in one line. They called out “Yay!” to the people who had been watching the situation inside the store while reaching out their hands for high fives.
At any rate, there were many people. The staff of easily over a hundred continued to shout “Yay!” extremely cheerfully.
After moving forward to some extent, they would do a U-turn and come back, and when they returned, they still had the same energy.
In other words, if you were to return the high five even once, you would keep high fiving more than 100 people x 2 times. What a terrible trap.
Among them, some were so overcome with emotion that they would even hug.
I thought without a doubt that all of them had high energy, but on further observation, I realied that they ranged from those who said “Yay!” as if they were shouting, all the way to those who said “Yay” in a pretty embarrassed manner, and so there were as many “Yay"s as there were staff.
There was just one of them that shrieked “Kiyay!”. When it came to that one, I did not really understand.
Line over 1000ft long
The line continued to the stairs to the subway next to the store, so it was a long line that continued for over 1000ft across the premises.
Despite having this number of people, there were no problems. Garbage was regularly collected by staff members, and they did the minimum necessary to not block passageways, so there weren’t people who strayed too far from the line.
I lined up in the last stretch, five minutes to opening, and it took about an hour and a half to come up above ground. I guess there were lots of people, so it cannot be helped.
Store Photo Gallery

Open memorial T-shirt (free)